Up/down Decade counter using D Flipflop

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can someone help me with the schematic..
at least for 0-9 only?..
help please...

Look at Fig# 1 on page 3 of this datasheet, it will give you an idea of whats required, its not a simple task.


  • cd40192b.pdf
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this is a college assignment sir... basic Digital design sir.. I want to minimize my circuit as small as possible using less IC.. but using only D Flip flops
the link you've posted is from 0-15 sir..
thank you sir for your response, I appreciate it ..
I need one that counts from 0-9 only and vice versa
Ask yourself 'How do I know if the count is 9 or 0, so as to stop the counting ?' and 'How can I reset the counter to 0 or 9 and restart counting?'
If you understand the operation of AND and OR logic gates then you should be able to determine how to detect when the counter is at 0 or 9 and generate the appropriate action.
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yes, i do have a schematic, of "D flip flop" up down counter 0-99, but it is too large..., i want to minimize it, i've already used MUX to minimize it...still, it's large for me.. T_T
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