USB help

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New Member
I'm not sure this is the right place for this, but I'm using micro-controllers in my projects so it seems appropriate. I would like to create a device that has its outputs sent to a PC via USB and it would behave similarly to a keyboard, but with only a few outputs (keys) available. I've never made a device that interfaces with a computer before and USB is a bit of a mystery to me. I'm sure there is some protocol I have to be aware of, plus I would need to create a USB driver for the device. Is this something an amateur like myself could do and what resources (reading material, software, equipment, etc.) are available to get me started?

Take a look at the USB Bitwacker link in my signature. I would be a good place to start.
Yes, USB is VERY complicated, the USB Bitwacker is a good start point, and check the MicroChip application notes as well (but Bitwacker is easier).
I have used the HID keyboard example found here with success:**broken link removed** I used an 18F4550 and 18F2550.
For keyboard

There is one basic application that could fit the bill.

Look for Brad Minch's (Olin College). One of the four USB applications he wrote is what you could use. It was written in Assembler (and maybe in C as well).

I tested the Assembler version. It works in the first try.
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