USB to Parallel Cable

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New Member
I purchased a kit (CK1700) from Electronic Kits to learn PIC programming. It is designed with a parallel port for connection to the PC. I am using MPLAB's software. I would like to know if it is possible to connect my programmer to the PC using a USB-to-Parallel cable and have MPLAB's software find it?

No, MPLAB requires specific programmers, all of which have to have an on-board processor, which (obviously) has to be running the correct software to talk with MPLAB.

Mostly this limits it to MicroChip products, although their have been a few other programmers that were compatible with the MPLAB interface - most noteably the Warp13 - which unfortunately seems to have finished now.
Thanks Nigel,

Now I understand why they have their software to program the chip. The instructions say to download MPLAB, blah, blah, blah, then use their software to program the chip.

I guess I'll have to share the scanner cable. I curently have an A/B switch between the printer/scanner but don't use the scanner very often.

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