I have a DS-1302 RTC module but how to use it?
I recall Jon Chandler made a vu meter clock but what he used for timing?
Am planning on a clock that has no hands, just LEDs but precision would be nice.
I think maybe I can flip the Mosfet over, flatten out the legs, then solder to the board?
I think this might work.
I have new boards being shipped, so will unsolder the MOSFETs and check this out before using a new board
Flipping the MOSFET won't work' Need a SOT23 footprint.
researching using an NPN transistor. Want something that will mount directly or will need to CA glue the Mosfets and hardwire?
Beau Schwabe is using NPN transistors as well (post #105)
This is where I am headed for a clock design using CD4017.
I'm not done with it, but it's where I am headed.
Thinking of connecting ALL the minute cd4017 RESET inputs together?
Why do you mention Beau S 's circuit that is simple, straightforward, demonstrated to work AND allows you to display any pattern you want on the LEDs, then decide to create your own fakata circuit that if it does what you expect (it won't – what's the source/sink current of the CD4017?) will allow you to show exactly two LEDs at a time in a fixed pattern?
Your copy&paste™ technique may work (poorly) for software, but it gets expensive quickly when applied to hardware.
One big reason is simplicity. Never worked with the 74hc595.
My plan is to use porta.(x) as the clock input to the cd4017. Sounds simple??
Going to order some cd4017 and breadboard the proposed circuit.
Yes I need to calculate current draw etc.