using different types of rs845

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hi everyone, my problem goes like this, i have a sensor module that sends data via rs485. now i have another module an (rs485 to rs232). what i want is to get the data from the sensor and print its data into the pc via the rs485 to rs232 converter. however, i cant seem to make it work. my assumption is that since the modules that i have are using different kinds of rs485, one is using a half-duplex type and the other is using full-duplex, this is the cause of the problem. is my assumption correct? do we really need to have the same type of rs485 for them communicate properly? please help.. thanks in advance
Is the rs485 to rs232 converter setup properly? ie: Is the rs485 side set to the correct mode: DTE vs DCE?
Some of these converters get their power from the handshake lines on the RS232 side, so make sure the cable to the PC has all these wires connected.
hello.. thanks for the quick reply... yes the rs485 to rs232 converter works perfectly. i have tried it with another hardware and it has no problem. however, this other hardware is using the same rs485 that the rs485 to rs232 converter is using. please help.. thanks.
So are you saying that your "sensor" uses 4 wire RS485 (duplex) and the converter uses 2 wire (Half duplex)? Or vice-versa? I got a little confused above thinking RS422 (Which I have some experience with) when you mentioned RS485 (Which I have very little).
I am a bit confused too, I thought RS485 was half duplex. Do you have any diagrams to shed light?
hello sorry for the late reply.. the sensor uses adm3485e. the datasheet says it complies with both rs485 and rs422. sorry but i dont have a schematic to show you. how can i determine if it uses rs485 or if it uses rs422? please help.. thanks..
Looks like the adm3485e is optimized for use on a 2 wire RS485 network so I would guess that your sensor uses RS485. Your computer probably has to poll the sensor device so you'd need to know the protocol and ID of the device.
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