This was last year's project!
_ab: You really don't want the schematic for this. It was a quick and dirty project I knocked up in a couple of hours because I only decided to do it a few days before Valentines day 2010. It's very very simple - just a transistor multivibrator circuit with two groups of LEDs (connected in parallel with their own current limiting resistors). The two groups of LEDs then flash alternately. I organised them into two heart shapes for a valentines effect.
Making the heart shape was the only difficult part. I made mine out of a series of short, straight lines. It worked fine for the LEDs, but it wasn't such a good idea for the PCB outline itself because viewed close-up the shape is a bit jagged. There must be an easier way of generating good PCB outline shapes in Eagle, but I've never figured it out.
If you really want the schematic and PCB layout send me a PM and I'll email you over a copy. I suspect you could do a far better job yourself though, if you're willing to spend the time and not rush it like I had to. You've got a whole year! ;-)