I would have thought that, given the specs of the tube, it would be prudent to design your own from scratch. The hardest part would be the transformer, but as these often use audio transformers, given a bit of measurement and maths you could work out the best frequency to drive it with. Back in the day I used to copy/test circuits from the web, with some success, many failures. That is not because people post 'bad schems' but purely because available parts vary widely across the world, and often they are the critical parts to the function (in this case, the transformer etc..).
Disposable camera transformers are flybacks, not really designed for forward operation, basically coupled inductors rather than transformers. Also given the fact they tend to quite quite massive turns ratio's to reduce the stress on the switching transistor, along with the fact they run of 1.5-3V (stepping up to ~300V) the output voltage *could* be huge. But of course, no-one likes winding their own transformer. As we're talking <mA here, audio transformers should be fine, and with a voltage multiplier the secondary voltage of said transformer will be orders of magnitude lower than the voltage required by the tube, so insulation shouldn't be a worry.