Variable Window Tint

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I dont know if I saw this somewhere, or if I dreamed it, but this vehicle had a knob that would change the tinting on the window by turning the knob. Im assuming that there is some possible way to do this, what with the glasses that darken when you go out into the sunlight, the auto-darkening welding helmets, etc.
They're basically LCD shutters, I'm not sure if gradual shading is possible, though it should be by varying the angle of the crystals. This was tried with house windows many years ago but it's so expensive as to be ludicrous.
I think cars with windows tinted so dark that you can't see through them and you can't see inside is ludicrous.
What are they hiding??
yeah i think it's like those windows they have in offices, you apply power they go clear, turn off power, they go frosted (i think)
audioguru said:
I think cars with windows tinted so dark that you can't see through them and you can't see inside is ludicrous.
What are they hiding??
I have the back 2 windows and the large back window on my Celica tinted to 5%, so people walking by cant see the stereo (when I go to the city, there are people who see a nice stereo, smash the window, and take it - cant see inside -> cant see whether its worth breaking into or not)
If you need to hide the stereo then you should hide the entire car.
Wassamatta with kids these days? Why do some of them break and steal things?
The car is stock, nice, but not eye-catching. The stereo can be easily stolen, and while I have insurance, theyre always a pain to deal with.

Kids around here have no morals. Especially living half an hour away from the native reserve, I know of people who will steal a car for you for $200. Wow...
I looked for Waterford, Ontario on Google Earth satellite pictures program and saw a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere with only one school. I didn't know about and didn't see an Indians Reserve there.
Didn't know canada had such a huge crime problem, must because you aren't allow to own guns. The indians in America (native american, not the kind of indians that own the 7-11 stores) don't need to steal, the government writes the a nice check every year for taking back some of that 'worthless' land they were given, which turned out to be of some value after all (yeah, just another thing that really sucks about this country) Only need to prove to be 1/8th, and what tribe...
I have never seen a group of Native Indians in Canada. I think our government pays them to live out in the sticks and be drunk all the time.
The kids are also drunk all the time.
Guns have nothing to do with it.

you really think the gov't is dolling out giant checks to every native american and they're living happy off the amount?

it's the casino's they're building that are the goldmines
A conversation about variable window tint to Native American restitution in 10 easy posts. Glad this is the ****-chat forum, I was already halfway into a rant before I realized it and deleted the next paragraph about the pointless nature of politics, religion, and discussions on modern variations in concepts of bigotry. =)
Coming full-circle to the window tint, what about something like e-ink:

If it's cheap enough, it might be a possibility some day. If it's not cheap, there's always a can of spray paint and some paint thinner; it'll do the same thing, plus act as a deterrent for anyone who might want to steal the car.
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