Very old electromagnet advice needed

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A big thanks to you all for the advice!!


Cheers for that Eric.

I will now purchase some swg.30 and make a new former.

I will also take some photos of the procedure as it helps with positive and negative feedback as I feel I will be making a number of coils.

The best link I found so far to aid me suggests making a former out of strong cardboard, anyone got any other suggestion?

Thanks to all who have helped me along the way, now it's time for me to put it in to practice.

hi Mark,
Have you actually dismantled the metal core on which the former fits.??
So that you can slide on the new coil.

You can make a former from thin plastic sheet, use an old solder tip in your soldering iron to heat weld it.
Ready for coil winding.

Hi All

I have now made the former for the new coil.I ended up using 3mm plastic as I had it to hand and Super glue.I now also have the SWG.30 and so I'm now ready to wind.

I have a lathe with very good speed control and could use this and do by hand.
Trying to do a visual count to 800 or 1000 turns will send me wappy and I will probably go mad before I get to the end.

Being in to electric clock I'm sure I will have more coils to wind in the future so I think it might be best for me to make my own dedicated coil winder.

Think I will start a new thread on that to seek advice.

Cheers to all,


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