View from work window.

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Nigel Goodwin

Super Moderator
Most Helpful Member
I said a while back I'd take a picture from my window at work, so here it is - with a little snow we've just had.


  • Riber.jpg
    805.1 KB · Views: 314
Are using a digital or optical/film camera.? Spec?
Understand even more snow expected tonight in your area.

Reminds me of the castle/hotel which you can see from the Riverside cricket stadium near Durham.

And there was I thinking Nigel was a man of leisure - how else would he always be first to answer most of posts on here?
dch222 said:
And there was I thinking Nigel was a man of leisure - how else would he always be first to answer most of posts on here?

I'm on the net a lot at work!
So... I just put 2 and 2 together. Alot of the time people call you SIR, so that must be your house in the pic, and you would actually be a knight in shining armor that everyone thinks you are
meriad said:
So... I just put 2 and 2 together. Alot of the time people call you SIR, so that must be your house in the pic, and you would actually be a knight in shining armor that everyone thinks you are

It's actually a derelict victorian folly, until a few years ago it held a small zoo - but this closed, and developers are trying to build houses at the site.
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