virtual Ground question

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Got a project that is a comm's sniffer / injector, project works fine however it needs two connections to work i.e. GND and test point as you would expect.

I had a thought and it's only a thought so no flames please, is it possible to only use one connection without having to find a common ground (by a wire that is) I saw mention of "virtual ground" not sure if this is what I'm talking about as it's all a bit heavy reading.

So question is, to pull a line high / low do I really need a wire connctingh to the GND on target?


To inject an AC signal without accuracy it may work.
For DC, no.
For AC, you could use a capacitor from the ground lead to true ground to provide some isolation.
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I saw mention of "virtual ground" not sure if this is what I'm talking about as it's all a bit heavy reading.

No, not really - "virtual ground" usually refers to generating a reference point between two supply lines (that is then used as the common or ground for a circuit). It is useful when trying to eliminate ground loops, or hum in AF circuits.

So question is, to pull a line high / low do I really need a wire connctingh to the GND on target?

As flat5 mentions, if the signal was AC or RF, you could use stray ground capacitance to provide a coupling in to the circuit under test (depending on circuit impedances) - but DC really does require something to reference it against.
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