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Virus's spread by USB sticks

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You know different?? Possibly because they are not targeted?? I was informed by a IMAC user that viruses do not get into file systems.. Malware / trackers are not proper viruses..
I would have to go digging, but I have seen reports of virus's targeted at Linux et al - but as you say MS is the most targeted OS so there is more in the popular and technical press about them and very little about other OS's.

Here is a link to one report
I also did some digging... Even though malware attacks are on the move there is no need for virus software..

As I said viruses multiply and spread... Malware just reports.. Ergo.. The file system is the target for viruses.. Malware and adware ( except some) are harmless.. Trojans are malware, but they spread...

Daft! But once upon a time viruses were made to "just disable" your PC as no one was interconnected.. Now it seems data is the most required commodity so disabling is pointless... I think Linux and macOS are harder to extract data from so people target the "easy" route namely windows..
Also.... All threats are glorified by antivirus software builders.. Where does it stop..

I used to have AVAST on my main computer... I say USED because it was seriously hampering my use of the damn thing..

I am a gamer and I just couldn't get going... sometimes 20mins before our good ol "virus" checker was done updating and checking..
If I don't visit sites that "may" be spurious, the built in virus tool is fine..

If you need to "visit" these sites.. install VM ware and browse via a linux port or such and if IT get a virus just delete it and make a new one..
I was gonna list the good stuff, but seeing your use of that callow 'windoze' shibboleth, you're not seeking discussion.
I was not saying either OS was all bad or all good, like everything else in life, it is just down to your requirements I was suggesting perhaps linux may suit some people better. Yes there are 1000s of linux enthusiastic open source coders out there, checking, refining, inventing. Is that not better than a few 100 in MS doing what they please on your equipment.
Why i don't use windows .. .. its a long video, and covers a mountain of code
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