Voltage divider for high volt measurement


Trying to get a measurement from a 20kV Negative Ion Generator that is adjustable from 15kV- 20kV. My digital meter is 600v Max. and my analog is 10kV Max. Want to set it to 17k - 18kV

Was thinking the only solution was a Voltage divider. With that said, I need some advise on resistor type 1/2 Watt Carbon / Film? Ceramic power resistors? (I would imagine 1/4 Watt's are out) so I can get the the voltage down to a measurable range.

Or should I just not make the attempt? I figured if the was SAFELY possible, was thinking of making a divider bank similar to a selectable resistor bank.

The only specs I have for the unit is:
Input voltage: DC 12V
Output voltage: 15000V-20000V adjustable
Rated power: 5W
Lexmark laser printers use 15 kV on the drums and use a sine wave stepup signal transformer to create this then rectify and regulate with a long string of 1/4W 10M~100M resistors back to an LM324 to regulate the output like AGC. You can string these inside a DIY plastic wand with a reinforced tip with a total R of 1 GOhm and make this suitable for measuring 50 kV using 1kV/mm for a clean wand with air at 3kV/mm. Surface contamination reduces the withstanding voltage.

Now you can get 1Gohm HV resistors at low cost in stock so you may use fewer in a string https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/te-connectivity-passive-product/RGP0207CHK1G0/2389890

When we used these in the 80's outside a clean room to generate ions with needle inside a 1cm half cup, they created so much RF that it interfered with our magnetic servo writers inside the clean room (for HDD Mfg) , so I asked maintenance to remove it.
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then you choose max scale and use that V * 20k = Rin for the analog meter but use that to measure the DMM on 600 V scale so that 200V = 20 kV using 99:1 R ratios for 100:1 or whatever you prefer.
Yes Whatever voltage scale your analog meter is multiple by 20k is it's input resistance while the DMM is 10M

I forget what Analog Vdc scales are used in Simpson meters and you didn't specify.. So if you used a series string and a shunt in parallel with meter, you have to compute the new ratio or tell me the voltage and thus the resistance to know what you need
Ok, so sticking with the 600v / 10M DMM........
The generator has a range of 15k - 20k output. Since I have no idea if its already set at Max or not. I need to protect the meter while dialing it down, or up as the case may be.
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