It is unfortunate that the tables do not compare apples to apples, but here is the main thing about bipolar vs CMOS power.
In the Star Trek TOS episode "M5", a computer went nuts and havoc ensued. As it did more, and wanted to do even more, it tapped into the warp core to get more power. The idea that a computer used electric power in direct proportion to it's "work load" was comical to persons knowledgeable in digital logic, because we all "knew" that the majority of the power dissipated in TTL was static; it didn't change no matter how fast, or even if, the gate was changing states.
Enter CMOS. An MOS transistor has a sheet of glass between the gate and the source-drain channel. Glass, as in a serious insulator. The vast majority of the power dissipated in a CMOS gate happens during state transitions, as the gate-source and gate-drain capacitances are charged and discharged. Low-high, high-low, don't care. The static current is the leakage current through a sheet of glass. It's only a few atoms thick, but ... glass. This means that the M5 probably was all CMOS logic, because of its power consumption curve.
For CMOS, the static power is almost trivial - working from memory, I recall numbres like 1 uA current per gate. High end processors and gate arrays that draw 50 A at 1.8 V when running drop 95% or more when idle. The power dissipated in TTL varies greatly across the various families, but it always has a much higher percentage of static current compared to any CMOS family.