voltage regulator for automotive use

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thanks.. you've been very helpful

so the LM2937 and a low ESR capacitor (below
3Ω) is all I need ?

sorry if the question sounds stupid.. I'm new to this
I would add the .1uf too. Cheap and easy.
I found this one on Mouser


You can switch between 3.3V/5V/12V
You are looking at a different sort of animal.
It is not intended for automotive use. Only has short circuit protection. 78SR switching regulators do not provide input or output overvoltage protection. etc

It is a switching regualtor.

It is $9.

bad choice then
Hero, have you tried 'polyfuses' the reseting type? They might perform well enough.
I thought of that, the trouble is they might not trip fast enough to save the SCR from burning up.

Here's the schematic as promised.

There's a short time delay on the crowbar. The 18V zener will absorb and fast transients and and longer transients will trigger the crowbar and blow the fuse.


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found all the LM2937 at Futurlec

all for .75 each
need to see if they are SMD as I am cramped for space but it looks like they are all the TO-220 pkg.
they have a 5,8,10,12v units
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