Want to convert USB power to AAA battery power

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New Member
I want to buy a pair of noise cancelling headphones to use on a regular basis but the ones I want require a AAA battery for power. Since I will be at my computer while using these I'd like to replace the AAA battery with USB power.

I have almost no experience with electronics though I have used a soldering iron before.

Is there a simple circuit I could create that would convert USB power (5V from what I understand) to AAA battery power (1.5V)? I'd like to run a wire from a USB connector and follow the existing headphone jack wire up to the headphones, over the head-piece, and then down into the single AAA battery compartment.

Of course if anyone has done something like this before, any advice would also be greatly appreciated...

Thank you!!
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You need a simple linear regulator. 5V to 1.5V at low currents (about what a AAA battery would draw) are well within the power handling of most small variable linear regulators. It's very hard to go wrong at this scale


Points to one possible schematic.

Aside from the regulator IC itself which are generally easy to come by and cheap all you need is a 5k pot, a fixed 240ohm resistors, and two small value electrolytic capacitors. Sense you're doing a fixed voltage regulator and 1.2V is generally close enough to the nominal 1.5volts of a AA you can omit the 5k pot, makes it pretty simple.

Keep in mind from the notes on that page that it's nothing more than the basic schematic copied from the PDF of the Linear regulators data sheet itself. You really can't get easier to make than that.
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