Water sensor that can sustain submersion, suggestions?

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I tried using this:

**broken link removed**

But it started exhibiting symptoms of electrolysis after some days. I'm assuming this product is not designed to be able to sustain continuous submersion.

I need a sensor like that, a sensor that can sustain powered submersion (months, years at a time) while transmitting data.

This is for a toy project with an Arduino. I also need a soil sensor that can be submerged in wet soil with similar requirements. But perhaps I should start a different thread for that type of sensor.
If the sensor is DC energised you can expect electrolysis. It's better to use an AC type, e.g. a capacitive one.
Are you trying to sense the depth of the water, or merely detect its presence at the sensor?
If the sensor is DC energised you can expect electrolysis. It's better to use an AC type, e.g. a capacitive one.
Are you trying to sense the depth of the water, or merely detect its presence at the sensor?

Measuring the presence of the water would be sufficient.

What type of sensor should I look for? Any AC type water sensor?
Hy halleffector,

Of the top of my head, bright stainless steel probes (hygenic) stuck in the ground/water should do the job.

Trick is to use a low amplitude AC (<1Vpp) with no DC component to excite the electrodes. You need to build what is essentially an AC Ohmmeter.
I need this for a simple Arduino project, I'd rather not have to make my own sensor. If someone knows of a simple product I can use that would be great.
I need this for a simple Arduino project, I'd rather not have to make my own sensor. If someone knows of a simple product I can use that would be great.
Thx for giving us that information.

There are quite a few ready made sensors on the market, but so far I have not come across one designed specifically to interface to an Arduino. The sensors are also rather expensive at around the £50UK mark. I have not done an in depth search though.

hi hall.
I use these sensors from Amazon, 5 off for £1.79, makes them a disposable item.



  • A02.gif
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Great. Seems like just what I need.

So these soil sensors also work just as well as a pure water sensor?

Glad that this sensor looks OK.

Yes, because the sensor works on a capacitive principal it should detect pure water OK.

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