I know you already made up your mind based on the suggestions. But worth mentioning another solution...
What if you build a metal door (or wire steel wire frame) like on the hinge either swinging up or down, have the hinge bolted under the outer ring of the manhole with a latch to the opposite side. This way the manhole cover will only be for cosmetic reason with support beneath it, (epoxy or weld the cover the way you want), and once the cover is lifted the hinged door can be lifted and manhole serviced!
I know you already made up your mind based on the suggestions. But worth mentioning another solution...
What if you build a metal door (or wire steel wire frame) like on the hinge either swinging up or down, have the hinge bolted under the outer ring of the manhole with a latch to the opposite side. This way the manhole cover will only be for cosmetic reason with support beneath it, (epoxy or weld the cover the way you want), and once the cover is lifted the hinged door can be lifted and manhole serviced!