back in 2011/2012 when i was originally active on this forum, i had a couple of "awards" i would post on threads that deserved it, such as the "Marvin the Martian 'I'm going to blow up the earth, it obstructs my view of Venus'" award, which was for threads where somebody was wanting to build a jammer, or some kind of gadget to mess with their neighbors, usually of the "i want to use a microwave oven magnetron to blow up my neighbor's stereo system because they play their music too loud" variety, or the "Wile E. Coyote Super Genius" award for threads where the goal was to construct something like a 5KW power inverter, or something unsafe like running a project off of a capacitive AC divider (running almost anything directly from wall current with no isolation is usually a very bad idea). more recently, i came up with an "award" for "exhuming" dead threads:
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the Victor Frankenstein (that's Frankensteen) Reanimated Dead Thread Award.