I want to build a circuit to turn on LED1 on first click , LED2 on second , OFF on third , and i need to make it as small as possible , what do you think is the best way to do it , i thought i could find a tact switch that would do the job for me , but i couldn't because there is no such thing or am a newbie .
Help please
Thanks for your reply Mike , i tried google to get more info about how to use a flipflop ,cmos ,and finite-state machine , but i couldn't get anything useful ,
can you explain more ? any similar circuits that i could grasp the concept from ?
a 555 timer with its output pin 3 connected to a one-shot configured transistor to delay the second led, such that led 1 goes high then with the delay @ the transistor, led2 joins and become high too. untill the 555 goes low and every thing goes low. that will be: 1 0-1 1-0 0
There are 8-pin microcontrollers which you might want to explore if you're willing to go into PICs. They're much simpler in terms of construction, you just need to explore the know-how building the main board, some switches and the LEDs you have, of course. Very small.