What is the life-estimation of CMOS ICs 4093 & 4060...

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On two related topics...

1,) i have TTL that have been around for a very long time that still work exactly as when new. Some of the original TTL chips i used in the original designs were swapped for lower power versions because that meant much less power consumption, so those were not around as long but the other standard TTL were and still work (some 25 to 30 years).

2.) The flash memory controller chip memory retention is something like 30 years now. After that bits can flip unless the memory is rewritten. Something to keep in mind. The chip still works, but will need it's memory refreshed. Back some time ago this period was only 10 years, but improvements got it up to 30 years or at least that's what they claim. I have no flash based controller chips that i have had for more than 10 years. Had UVPROM based chips but dont use them anymore.
There are routines that can be used to reflash some memory automatically within the chip itself but only for chips that support this functionality i guess...so that could boost these chips into the 50 year or more time frame where the equipment would get outdated anyway.
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I have a LED clock that I built using an Intel 8048 EEPROM based microcontroller in 1986. Still working and apart from the odd mains power outage has run continually for the last 25 years.
Electros last from 3 days to 10 years or more.

It depends on the surrounding heat, the rippple, the quality of the electro
It's an unknown factor.

Not exactly 'unknown', it's simply a design factor you should consider while designing the ciruit.
At 12v you don't have much options for large capacitance. Pretty much aluminum oxide electrolytics or tantalum electrolytic caps. At lower voltages high k dielectric ceramics have replaced most electrolytics. Some cellphone manufacturers have replaced nearly all electrolytics with ceramic caps.

Temp and voltage stress are primary lifetime statistical limiters for CMOS. The higher the temp and higher the voltage they operate at, the shorter their reliability lifetime. Clocking overdrive on computer processors in some applications crank up the voltage to enable ability to clock chip faster. This also creates a lot more heating which is primarily caused by gate driver output resistance. If you look at DDR2 memory specs you will see faster spec'd parts usually come along with a higher Vdd voltage spec then the original 1.8v nominal. They are being stressed more then if they operated a 1.8v. Cellphone change their processor voltage based on processing needs to save power. 90 nm process and below is where over voltage stressing becomes a significant factor in reliability lifetime. Statistical lifetime is based on 'polution' or catastrophic puncture of the gate oxide. There are other failure modes but from a statistical wear out time it is primarily gate oxide based. Usually the statistical time target is 50,000 hours under worse case (temp, voltage, clocking) conditions. A static zap can end its life immediately.

Most 4000's series parts are a monsterous 5 um CMOS process which is a couple order of magnitude larger geometry then today's 35 nm processors. Larger geometry has thicker gate oxide. In relative relation, "they are built like a battle tank".
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Many years ago I built tape control units that had over 1000 ttl ics, 1000 transistors and about 1000 ceramic caps and assorted other components. We built about 10000 of them. We got the failure rate down to about .1 failure per machine per month. If you build it by hand from a first design you will need to worry more about your design and soldering than the component life. The initial failure rate was about .3 but went down to .1 after 3 months. Even after 10 years we never saw the rate increase with age.
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