What is this " thing " ? help me please.

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New Member
Hello everybody,

I'm Piet and i write you because i need your help. I'm a Belgian guy... sorry for my bad english.
My roomates started journalism studies and for a work, she has to find some informations.

She received this pictures without anything else and she has to find what is it.
That's why i write you. Someone knows what is it and where is it ?

Thanks for your help.


  • appareilinconnu.jpg
    55.5 KB · Views: 372
It is a flux capacitor. Mount it in a Delorean, accelerate to 88 mph, apply 1.21 GW of DC voltage and you will travel back in time. Probably back to the 1980s. I could be wrong but there is one way to find out.....
Thanks a lot. It was created by the famous Doc Emmett Brown.
Thanks again for your help.
Are you sure this is a journalism course and not industrial espionage?

I have no idea what it is, but lets try and extract a few facts from the picture and extrapolate from there.

It needs a lot of air, there are eight fans visible in the picture and maybe a similar number on the side we cant see.
Maybe it gets very hot.

It is very rigidly mounted on a metal frame. Maybe it has to be held in a precise position to perform its intended function.

There are lots of wires running up the support legs, including several ribbon cables (20way?).

On the end of the cylinder nearest to us is what looks to be a matrix of lights, light emitting diodes maybe.
If these are high intensity LEDs, the thing could get very hot, hence the fans.

Lots of wires, lots of LEDS, could it be that the brightness of the LEDS can be individually controlled.

So, high (adjustable) brightness LEDS, held in a rigid fixed position in front of ??
Could it be some kind of a super video projector?

Or alternatively, it could be Doc Browns next generation flux capacitor.

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I have no idea but a guess.

Looks like a projector for a laser-light type show, the kind you see at a concert, perhaps...and the frame it is mounted on further indicates that possibility to me. I imagine this monstrosity mounted to some sort of motorized equipment to rotate and tilt it.

I looked just now at Google images for a clue, (laser-light projector) and saw nothing quite like this.

If it IS a projector, it seems like it is a very specialized device...maybe even military or industrial applications, or for special effects in movies or something.
Could it be that identifying the object isn't the point of the exercise?

It's a journalism course, after all, and the student is expected to know how to produce a story without access to the truth?
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