what is wrong in my circuit

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1. I think you have collectors and emitters swapped.

2. If you want noise in the audio band, your interstage coupling capacitors need to be around 1uF - 10uF each. Right now, your low frequency cutoff is around 50kHz - 100kHz, depending on transistor beta.

3. Your gain is around 300,000. You probably really only need one stage. With even 2 stages, you would need much better supply decoupling to prevent oscillation.
i will be great ful if u give me idea to cricuit u want me to make

plz 1 stage also will be fine what parts i should change ?
imgemini said:
just one thing what will be the value of C1 plz
Sorry, I forgot to put that in. If you have 100uF, use that. If not, use the next highest value you have. I would not go lower than 10uF.
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