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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

What's with the snow graphics?.

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Weirdest thing was...we got a small earthquake while in the pool....was a new experience, suddenly there were waves in the pool!

Are you sure it was an earthquake? Or was it somebody "making bubbles"?!:D

In my part of Canada there is a trace amount of snow in some spots. My yard has no snow. The park also has no snow.
The forcast is for 1/4" in the next week and another 1/4" in the following week. The small amount of snow will disappear by itself in a couple of days. The temperature fluctuates a little above freezing to a little below freezing.

Yeah the blizzard here brought us 18" of thick, wet snow!
The other girl is from Illinois, and she's well used to seeing snow however, she's been complaining this week that she's never known it so cold.
Hi Nigel, Im just curious how cold does it get there, I was under the impression the UK had mild winters.
Today in my part of Canada there is no snow anywhere, the grass is green, squirrels are running around all over the place and the temperature is +8 degrees C. It will be warmer this afternoon (it is noon now).
The forcast for the next two weeks is no snow and an average temperature of around freezing.
Today in my part of Canada there is no snow anywhere, the grass is green, squirrels are running around all over the place and the temperature is +8 degrees C. It will be warmer this afternoon (it is noon now).
The forcast for the next two weeks is no snow and an average temperature of around freezing.

Gettin' the motorcycle out tomorrow.
It's been -16 or so (centigrade).
Yes, Thats pretty cold ! Still I don't understand the girl complaining, It sometimes gets much colder here. Like you said probably a different type of cold.
Did you like the heavy fog yesterday morning? It froze onto everything it touched.

Please keep your stinking noisy motorcycle away from my neighbourhood.

No freezing here. I'm right by the lake. We get the fog a lot, but we don't get the big temp swings.

I will remove the cat and will be doing wheelies around your house.
I didn't know that motorcycles have a cat (or any other air pollution control device). They stink like cars from the '60ies.
Smoke from tires doing wheelies smells better than a motorcycle engine with no pollution controls.
Most motorcycles have pipes instead of mufflers so they are too loud.
Many new bikes have cats. The bikes with straight pipes are cruisers. I'm sure they are out there, but the only sport bikes with straight pipes I've seen are only for drag racing. That's not to say that the aftermarket mufflers for sport bikes aren't loud sometimes.
Do you drive a Harley or a Vespa?
Did you remove the training wheels? (smilie)


  • training wheels.JPG
    training wheels.JPG
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It looks like no motorcycle today. It's raining all day. Maybe we can get graphics that represent the local weather forecast wherever your IP tracks too?

I ride a ZX14.
**broken link removed**
I don't know much about motorcycles but I remember when Kawasakis were smoking 2-strokers? And they burn Saki or maybe the driver drinks Saki?
What? ZX14?? Is that a good bike?

:D In my part of the world I haven't seen such a thing :D

I ride a suzuki samurai.Two stroke and bit noisy:
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