Where to find "How to Program" info for beginners

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New Member
In my youth I could go to the library and find a book on how to program, all the simple stuff like making decisions, program flow etc.

Since then its just full of VB for dummies etc when I need some really simple stuff like we used to get.

This is not for me as I learn the hard way, but I'm always looking out for info to help beginners on the basics.

What sources would you recommend?
You could start with the free online PIC assembly book available **broken link removed**. You should also read the sticky at the top of this forum.

It's not so much pic related more programming related, but thanks for the info a good selection of pic info is listed in the sticky
Almost every compiler will come with a wealth of samples/tutorials, not to mention the more than diverse help file that will explain/give examples for almost every command...

No two compilers are the same, download the free versions and have a read through the samples, take each as a learning experience
Thank you Gramo but as I said I have no problem with coding what I was looking for was a book or such like some thing I could plagiarise for the web site I work on www.protongeeks.com

I want to put together a tutorial on programming, from the basics up what a byte to correct structuring and how to think about approaching a programming problem.

I think it would be pretty naff to have a section "INTRO TO PROGRAMMING" then just say down load some samples and do it you self
Tim_B said:
It's not so much pic related more programming related, but thanks for the info a good selection of pic info is listed in the sticky

As you posted in the microcontrollers section I assumed you wished to program one. In order to help in your quest, you need to indicate either a processor or a language.

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