Which PIC for Robotic Arm?

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I am building a 6-axis Robotic arm for my Final Year Project. I have an option of choosing from either the PIC 16F877 or the dsPIC30F4013. Which one should i go for? Would the 16F877 be able to handle around 6+ motors along with a LCD and memory interfaced to it or should i go for the dsPIC?
Also which C should i learn? CCS or the MPLAB C30?
Also I would like to know can the dsPIC be programmed using CCS and can 16F877 be programmed using the MPLAB C30?
The 16F877 is more than capable of doing the job (it's nothing very difficult), but you can't get a free C compiler for it. There's a free one for the 18F series, so you might consider that instead?, or go for the dsPIC option (assuming the C30 compiler is free?).


what i feel is that...


four parallel pins (or simply pins) are required for controlling one stepper motor...
Hence, that pic microcontroller you can use that has 4 x 6 = 24 data pins..


There is only one c language for pic microcontroller.. but the names you've mentioned are of compilers[/U ]of different companies.. that can run same C language..

third thing ,

better if you get some student version or.. from college laboratory...


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Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the code for all the compilers is different. Not the syntax i mean but the function names and libraries etc.
baberjaved said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the code for all the compilers is different. Not the syntax i mean but the function names and libraries etc.

Despite all the stories about C being transportable, it doesn't seem a deal better than any other H.L.L.? - and certainly micro-controller dialects tend to be wildly different.
First figure out exactly how many and what kind (Analog to Digital, PWM output, digital I/O, analog out), and how many inputs/outputs you need. But make sure you get a PIC that has extra I/O just in case you need an extra something half way through the project. I try to get parts that will handle more than is necessary in my projects.

baberjaved said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the code for all the compilers is different. Not the syntax i mean but the function names and libraries etc.

The companies of compilers are different.. but the product is same..

Libraries are different when you are using C language for different microcontroller..

Remember, using same c language we can even program different microcontrollers.. very minimum or no changes are required.. just ' different libraries ' are to be used..

no relation with functions..


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If you are using servo motors, the 16F877 should handle it all, (as Nigel pointed out.)
The C30 compiler is for the dsPIC chips, the C18 for the 18F PICs.
At this time CCS will not work for dsPIC, nor will C30 work for the 16F, or the 18F PICs. CCS C will work for the 16F877, and C30 will work for the dsPIC30F4013.
You might want to look into the Source Boost C compiler for the 16F PICs. It doesn't have as many built in libraries as CCS, but you can have Boost C for under a hundred dollars.
CCS has a demo version that works with the 16F877. It is limited to a 2K binary. The regular version is $150.
The 16f877 is supported by Hi-Tech PICC compiler too (2 RAM banks, 2K program memory).
If you want simple, you might try mikroC (lots of libraries available).
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