which pins better for LCD connection etc.

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Well-Known Member
Not up on reading a PIC data sheet but learning as we go.
Planing on using an 18F1320 to control a relay located 30 feet away using an opticoupler. Wondering about connecting an LCD display to circuit as well but what pins on a PIC are perfered to connect an LCD to?
Can I use a code to run the LCD that is for a 18F452 but change the PIC type in the code or is there more to it?
Going to program in swordfish using the LCD . bas file, an interupt file and a ADC file (measuring temperature of water and controlling a 220v 30amp relay. Can get relay in 12v or 110v coil.
It does not matter as long as the pins are output pins. The LCD display has a busy pin that can be read by the uC but many/most people/drivers use a delay and ignore it.

The LCD could care less about what uC is is on. Given the nature of you questions I suggest you read up on LCDs.
been reading as time permits ass well as looking and learning about micro-controllers.
schematic for PIC controled relay

Planning on using a 12v AC coil relay (110 AC is available as is 24V ac)
A diode is not needed using AC?
for code it basically is the ADC.bas code (Swordfish) with a time delay added for 30 minute run time for controlling the relay.


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