Which T32.cmm batchfile runs when Trace32 starts?

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My Lauterbach Trace32 Software is installed at C:\T32. T32 subdirectory contains t32.cmm batchfile script. Different T32.cmm is stored at C:\Session directory. Session directory is my "start in" directory which contains all my scripts for resetting target, flashing, erasing, loading symbols, etc.
When Trace32 in invoked, which t32.cmm runs?
Please visit Lauterbach website www.lauterbach.com. Trace32 is Debugger software by lauterbach.

T32.cmm is script written in Scripting language called PRACTICE. There is documentation in lauterbach website on PRACTICE scripting language. When lauterbach Debugger software is invoked, T32.cmm runs. It basically sets up toolbar buttons. User can modify it to whatever needs to be done at startup.
naseem, thanks very much, i realy appreciated for the info, unfortunately they not support Microchip cause i still love this vendor
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