Gotta agree with Nigel on all points, you're delusional if you think the taxpayer should fund your course. You definitely need to re-evauate your whole outlook.
Have you been through an EE Uni degree? There's a reason for all the courses involved, because they're needed as a foundation base. You also overestimate the usefulness of a Uni dropout. A 1st year dropout has barely even touched electronics (honestly wouldn't trust them wiring a plug), now you think you can train them up with a wonder course and flood the industry with them?
My problem with University graduates (or even worse drop outs), is that most of them start an Electronics degree with zero knowledge to start with, what happened to the Electronics enthusiasts who would blitz a degree easily?.
One of my daughters Uni friends was doing Electronics at the same Uni she was doing Chemistry (and Chemistry is one of the toughest courses), she hardly saw him for close on three years as he was far too busy and struggling with his course. In the end he dropped out, just a couple of weeks before his finals