Why RF transistor is very expensive than Power transistor?

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Well-Known Member
I can buy 12watt power transistor almost at $ 0.3 but to buy 12 watt RF transistor I should have to get more than 1 or 2 USD.

- Does it take hard process during manufacture? Or needs expensive silicon?
- Why RF transistor is special than Power transistor? How it has super gain at higher frequency? (Lots of questions...)

Hi Willen,

Here is an extract from a Google book I found online, which explains your question quite well.
(see attachment)

hope this helps,


  • RF Transistors and cost.doc
    239.5 KB · Views: 448
there are some rf power transistors that are in the $100.00-500.00 price range....

also take note that some RF power transistors use beryllium oxide as a package material. BeO is highly heat conductive, but very dangerous. it's dangerous if you break it, because inhaling the dust is a health hazard. aluminum oxide is much safer to work with and only slightly less heat conductive. if you buy transistors with BeO packaging, they are required to be marked with a warning label.
Another reason that RF power transistors are expensive is because they are rarely used for anything. They are made and sold in small quantities.
Low frequency power transistors are used for millions of things so are made and sold in high quantities.
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