alright, I'm considering this project as finished now. To find a sine wave, i put a potentiometer sreial to the bulb. There was a very small interval, around 15 ohms, that gave the sine wave. I think i could get an even better result pinpointing the correct resistance even better.
I went back to the original resistors, since I had a hard time finding a sine with audiogurus modification. I also skipped the extra capacitator, since it didn't change the wave at all. I used a 4,5 Volt power source instead of the 9 volt, since the higher voltage gave an output that would smoke my sound card.
so, summing this up:
Instead of the specified bulb I used a 6V 40mA bulb with a 15 ohm resistor and i used a 4,5 volt power source.
thanks for the help, again.