Win a Raspberry Pi!

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We're giving away one of these Raspberry Pi (Rev2) microcomputers to one lucky member of Electro Tech.

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video.

To enter you must successfully submit an article to our circuits library or theories section before the cutoff date to be in to win. For every entry you get one chance at winning, the more entries you have the more chances you get. All existing articles (apart from my own) will be counted and that's a reward for the effort some members have already put in.

Articles must be published by the 1st November 2012 to be entered.

Here are a few questions/answers:

How do I enter an Article?

It's quite a good idea to create your article in a text editor on your computer and then once complete submit it to our system. Please note, that a moderator must approve your article and if you want that process speed up, PM me directly.

Here is a link to submit an article or circuit:

For more help you can ask questions on submitting an article in this forum:

What are the Quality Guidelines for articles?

If you are submitting a circuit, you must attach all required details so that others can follow your content and fully create that circuit. A circuit must contain at least some text explaining what it does and how it works, as well as a schematic.

Example of a well published circuit:

If you are submitting an article it must also be of reasonable quality and content must be accurate.

Example of a well published theory article:

You must own the rights to anything that you submit and/or have permission to anything you publish.

When will it be drawn?

1st November 2012

Are there going to be more competitions like this?

We're actually planning to have these give aways every 1-2 months with varying prizes. So if you submit an article this time and dont win, you will have a chance next time, and the time after that!

Good luck to all who enter!


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Sorry to head off topic Electromaster, but since you put up the competition it screwed up the forums cookies somehow. I've tried all options of cookies on/off etc and after logging in I can only access this page as logged in, then any attempt to navigate to any other page logs me out. So apparently I can only post in this thread from now on!

Hi RB,

I've just added a dismiss button so it will allow you to clear the message permanently. However, the way it should work is it pops up once and only once no matter what you do.. Anyone else have any problems please do let me know

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I was thinking about posting more (better) articles when I get time. Now I have incentive.

Now, does it have to be supper ground breaking, world changing, amazcrazing project? Or is the "blinking LED" circuit fine? So long as it's well written and doesn't already exist among the articles?

Edit: I would of course assume you don't want to have utter crap.
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Now, does it have to be supper ground breaking, world changing, amazcrazing project? Or is the "blinking LED" circuit fine? So long as it's well written and doesn't already exist among the articles?

Hi ()blivion. You're bang on They don't have to be ground breaking or full length essays. Yes, a blinking LED would be fine however, the only thing I would say is that the information provided should always be accurate, and I think you would have no problem there..

Edit: I would of course assume you don't want to have utter crap.

You assume correct. However, if an article is doesn't make the grade because of quality (which doesn't happen often) you can edit it with the online editor to 'finish' it off.

I look forward to reading some of your work


This should be very interesting.

My only question is: How are the entries to be judged, like what method would be used to figure out if blinking circuit A is better than blinking circuit B, or more to the point, if blinking circuit A is better than some other unrelated circuit (or information, etc.).
It works like a raffle, the more articles you have the more entries you have. At the end one will entry will be drawn at random. So it's not necessarily the 'best' one that wins. This way everyone has a chance
Hi EM,

This sounds like a good way to select the winner yes. The entries should be interesting to read over too.

Ok then just one more little question, who designed the random number generator that will be used to select the winner
(he he just kidding there, we had been discussing random number generators in depth in another thread)
I will use a third party site that offers the service to generate a number (which will relate to each entry), the resulting entry will be the winner
Hi RB, ...
I've just added a dismiss button so it will allow you to clear the message permanently. However, the way it should work is it pops up once and only once no matter what you do.. Anyone else have any problems please do let me know

Thanks for doing that I appreciate it. The dismiss button gives me an error for javascript void but that is probably because most of my javascript functions are turned off.

I have been able to access the site for the time being using another browser.
First I love the idea of this contest.

At the current time I am deep enough into other projects that the Pi would be old hat by the time I got around to it. So if I happen to be the winner please draw again.
I have no application for a Raspberry Pi, so I wish to opt out of the draw.

Good luck to all the competitors.

Is there a particular area where articles are required? ie a subject area that needs content? Or any suggestions for an article subject that would be well received?
I don't think I have enough talent to come up with an article worthy and do not have the time or need for a Raspberry Pi (if you would ship to Canada, should I be drawn...'-) ) but I wanted to say that it is very nice of you to do something like this. And Thanks.

I will have to visit more often to see what articles get submitted. I am a very sporadic visitor, depending on the project but you have a great website and resource here. Thanks for that too.

Surely the quality of the article should count? I'd hate to submit a great, well written article for a DC electronic load for example and find I was beaten to the prize by a blinking LED!
Surely the quality of the article should count? I'd hate to submit a great, well written article for a DC electronic load for example and find I was beaten to the prize by a blinking LED!
Even though the word 'competition' is used in the first post, it's not actually a competition; it's a raffle/lottery.

I just thought it would be nice to get around to creating some articles.

So how long does it take an article submitted to be 'approved' for entry? (i hope not too long)
Also, how will we know if it was approved or not?
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