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Wind Generator Design

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Your HS robotics battery is capable of providing high current for only a short time. Remember, the actual competition was 2 minutes, 10 seconds.
Krumlink said:
AAA NICADS may be too small for this scale. I am talking a few amps per hour, more than any NICAD for that matter could/would supply without overheating.

I like the Lead acid idea, and so does my Family.

I really need a generator now!

There are special NICAD batteries that can supply tons of current, used in R/C models for high performance motors.

Just a standard NICAD 'D 'cell is rated at 4 amp/hrs I seem to recall.

Krumlink said:
AAA NICADS may be too small for this scale. I am talking a few amps per hour, more than any NICAD for that matter could/would supply without overheating.

I like the Lead acid idea, and so does my Family.

I really need a generator now!
You want more than a few Ah which is what a typical AA NiMH cell can provide. You need a couple of hundered Ah at the very least.
Besides, the most amount of watts I would be using at any one time would probably be a max of about 200Watts.

I need a way to generate the voltage now
Krumlink said:
Besides, the most amount of watts I would be using at any one time would probably be a max of about 200Watts.

I need a way to generate the voltage now

As you suggested in the first place, a car alternator is an easy place to start.
How much would you think it would cost for a cheap one? I will have to check it out.
Nothing, go to a scrap yard.

Also note that car alternators aren't very efficient.
A better solution than a car alternator would be to use a larger DC permanent magnet motor as a generator. If you want to use stuff from old cars, a radiator cooling fan motor may provide enough current as a generator. Years ago I made a windmill out of an old computer tape drive motor (Think large 1970s computer). I think the motor was designed to run from 24-48V so it put out 12V @ 10amps quite nicely at low RPMs.

What about a massive capacitor bank :)

Lead Acid Batteries?

Good point! WIMA has developed a capacitor not too big around with a capacity of 400F!
A 500F type is under development. One disadvantage they have: Charge is limited to 2.5V

The massive capacitor bank could be the garage filled with capacitors from bottom to top. :)
mynameisdan said:
For limiting the speed of the blades you can use a magnet brake.

better feather the prop!
Please review the picture.


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My local laws prohibit me from erecting a wind turbine, so I can't :D
Krumlink said:
Well my dad and I were talking about creating a wind power generator for the house.
Krumlink said:
My local laws prohibit me from erecting a wind turbine.

So what are you going to do, put a ceiling fan on a 3' concrete pole???:rolleyes:
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