Hi Simon,
Considering all what people said, let me suggest one more simple solution in contrast with the circuit that you have posted in first place, and again, considering some cited aspects.
1. The rotation sensing is maded by viewing the wave/signal present in any point of any coil, before rectifiers. No more hall-efect sensor needed.
To make this work, the generator/battery disconnection must be made beetwen the bridge and battery.
2. I suggest 2 relays intead of one by two reasons:
a) When STAR relay is OFF -> STAR position, no battery discharge.
b) When ON / OFF relay is OFF -> generator is desconnected from bat and no bat consumption.
- So, when both relays off, just a few miliamps from battery.
3. With the KEY, you can configure:
a) The speed at wich the system switch from star to delta.
b) The speed at wich the system disconnect the generator.
c) If needed, you can have generator disconections to max and min speed.
4. You have also STAR/DELTA indication througt the Leds.
1. Of course you need a little 78L05(+5V) to supply the PIC.
2. The software to do it, is very easy.
3. Sorry for duplicated references in the schematic.