0xA7 (Disable mouse interface) - PS/2 mode only. Similar to "Disable keyboard interface" (0xAD) command.
0xA8 (Enable mouse interface) - PS/2 mode only. Similar to "Enable keyboard interface" (0xAE) command.
0xA9 (Mouse interface test) - Returns 0x00 if okay, 0x01 if Clock line stuck low, 0x02 if clock line stuck high, 0x03 if data line stuck low, and 0x04 if data line stuck high.
0xAA (Controller self-test) - Returns 0x55 if okay.
0xAB (Keyboard interface test) - Returns 0x00 if okay, 0x01 if Clock line stuck low, 0x02 if clock line stuck high, 0x03 if data line stuck low, and 0x04 if data line stuck high.
0xAD (Disable keyboard interface) - Sets bit 4 of command byte and disables all communication with keyboard.
0xAE (Enable keyboard interface) - Clears bit 4 of command byte and re-enables communication with keyboard.
0xAF (Get version)
0xC0 (Read input port) - Returns values on input port (see Input Port definition.)
0xC1 (Copy input port LSn) - PS/2 mode only. Copy input port's low nibble to Status register (see Input Port definition)
0xC2 (Copy input port MSn) - PS/2 mode only. Copy input port's high nibble to Status register (see Input Port definition.)
0xD0 (Read output port) - Returns values on output port (see Output Port definition.)
0xD1 (Write output port) - Write parameter to output port (see Output Port definition.)
0xD2 (Write keyboard buffer) - Parameter written to input buffer as if received from keyboard.
0xD3 (Write mouse buffer) - Parameter written to input buffer as if received from mouse.
0xD4 (Write mouse Device) - Sends parameter to the auxillary PS/2 device.
0xE0 (Read test port) - Returns values on test port (see Test Port definition.)
0xF0-0xFF (Pulse output port) - Pulses command's lower nibble onto lower nibble of output port (see Output Port definition.)