1.2 Gain 350mA amplifier

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Much appreciated Eric! What software did you design this in?

Its LTspice, free download the asc file for LTS attached.

Note with the higher voltage the output transistor will need a heat sink, if it runs to warm, use a higher powered transistor.


  • OPA350c.asc
    2.3 KB · Views: 105
So i tried the circuit. My OPA gets hot and circuit doesn't work. Just for fun, I tried wiring the transistor straight to my input signal (Limit 0-10V instead of desired 0-12V) and it works wonderfully, except I cant get to the top end of my control (since I am missing a full 2volts of signal).

What if I try a power OPA, like a 296-23089-5-ND (From Digikey) ?

This would give a simple fix.

Checking the original circuit, I can see no reason why your LM358 is running hot.


  • AAesp05.gif
    34 KB · Views: 110
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The opamp will get hot if the pins on the transistor are connected wrongly (or the collector is not powered) so it has no current gain.
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