soldering= are you using small diameter rosin core solder?
I found lightly sanding board before soldering with 400 wet dry sandpaper. Dry using paper towel, Alcohol helps as well.
Also procure a tub of rosin soldering flux. Dip tip of solder into flux then apply heat to board then apply solder. YouTube has several soldering videos.
I use a Weller pencil tip iron 25W, .022 solder and flux. All available from Radio Shack.
Sounds like I did the soldering right, just not well enough. :S
What are you using for train sensors?
The sensors are here **broken link removed**
Looks the simplest without using photo or ir. Got most of the components already too. Detector cost about 70p per unit and signalling circuit cost about 50p per unit. Not too bad as to buy same from model shop about £17.00 !!!