current direction dosn't seem right?
not deciphering something, gots o be something very simple but I sure as heck don't see it??
tried different transistors etc??
If you are talking about the twin_T circuit the DCC current passes through the emitter/base junctions of both T1 and T2. T1 on the positive cycle and T2 on the negative. Is that the current path you are talking about?
When curent passes through one of the two transistors the common collector to which they are both strapped plummets to ground (0 volts). T3 will turn off. This will raise its collector to Vcc. Through R2, R3 and R4 (and C1) T4 will turn on (conduct) supplying current to the relay.
If you are talking about the diode matrix then consider that at 18 volts one needs a 1.5Kohm current limiting resistor. The LED being a diode drops about 2 volts. That means the resistor has to drop the other 16 volts. !.5Kohms at 16 volts is just over 10 Miliamps.
The LED cathode is at Vcc (-18volts). If one applies Vcc (-18 volts) at the junction between the LED and its current limiting resistor then both the anode and cathode of the LED are at the same voltage. (One has just shorted the LED out) The LED goes out. BUT the whole brunt of Vcc is now accross the resistor which now has 18volts across it and must now conduct a whole 12 milli amps instead of only 10. Instead of switching current on and off across an LED and its resistor one is merely diverting it through or around it.
Note that current is always flowing through R5. The green LED cathode is permanently connected to Vcc (-18 v)
So the matrix in its qiescent state indicates green. Should an approach be received, D5 supplies -18 volts to the Yellow LED circuit turning the yellow LED on. It also supplies -18 volts to D3 which turns the green off. Should the block be occupied, no matter what the signal is indicating, the -18 volts turns the red LED on and the green and yellow off via D2 and D4.
Also think about this. For a two aspect signal (green and red) one would not need D3, D4, D5, R7 and the yellow LED. One is left with two resistors, Two LEDs and a diode.
Does that help?