3000 Hour Elapsed Timer

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New Member
Hi to All :

Need help on how to build a circuit that will monitor a lamp using a timer ( 3000 Hr timer )

The circuit is about tracking the time the lamp is used.
The purpose is to replace the lamp at 3000 hours used.
The time elapsed should remain when the power is switch off or is lost.
The timer counts only when the lamp is switched on and stops when the lamp is off. The circuit will alarm when the 3000 hours is reached.
The circuit's elapsed time is manually resettable so it can monitor again with the new lamp installed.

My problem is i don't know what kind of timer to use since there are lots of timer available. What are the parts needed?

Thanks for the help....
You can get a suitable timer from Mouser (www.mouser.com) for $118, part number 653-h5cx-l8-ac100. But instead of replacing a 60 watt bulb every 3000 hours, why not put a diode in series with a 100 watt bulb and never replace it?
Russlk said:
You can get a suitable timer from Mouser (www.mouser.com) for $118, part number 653-h5cx-l8-ac100. But instead of replacing a 60 watt bulb every 3000 hours, why not put a diode in series with a 100 watt bulb and never replace it?

how wud the diode stop the 100W needin replaced?

It would only allow half cycles through, effectively halving the power to the bulb, thus extending it's life - as to 'never' replacing it, it seems a little optimistic :?

One obvious disadvantage though would be the colour of the bulb, it wouldn't be the same as running it as full power. You could obviously do a similar thing with a dimmer as well.

However, I don't beleive 'aromph' has ever mentioned why he wanted to do this, or what it is required for, perhaps it's not to do with trying to prevent bulb failure?.
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