3720W power supply load transient testing rig...is this the cheapest/quickest way?

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Well-Known Member
We wish to do Transient testing of our 3720W power supply.
No_load to Full_load to No_load…..

Please could you advise if there is a quicker/cheaper way to do this than the attached? We need the three load switchs to switch at the very same instant.

The power supply uses Vicor DCDC modules.


  • 3720W LOAD Transient test.pdf
    23 KB · Views: 299
I think a simpler solution would be to use an optically coupled gate driver. That way you can go directly from your microcontroller to the LED of the opto.

Here is a sample that should work.


You'll still need your independent, floating 12Volt supplies for the gate power.
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