555 Diagram

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Ryan Harding

New Member
Hi, i am in the middle of building a circuit that uses a 555NE chip.
Im confused as to what pin is what, i thought it starts, top left is 1, then below 2 then 3 then 4, to the right of four is 5, above 6, then 7 then 8.
In some diagrams i see these numbers all over the place. I havent a clue why, if someone has any explanations, much appriciated before i go and ruin my circuit

Looking at the top of the 555 the numbering is as shown in the attachment. Sometimes schematic diagrams do not always have the
pins in order of their placement on the actual package.
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The pins are out of order to make it easier to draw the circuit. Some drawings also leave out the power pins, they assume you know what they are
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