555 traffic light question

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Awesome, thanks alec_t that is exactly what i was looking for. One minor thing, how would I go about changing the values so that the yellow and red doesn't sync up when changing?
never mind, i arranged it as n/s g - y - r and e/w r - y - g, other than that this was definitely what i was looking for. thank you very much, but one small question, what would i alter to change the timing of the lights?
what would i alter to change the timing of the lights?
Change the clock frequency of the 4017. You could use a 555 timer IC as the clock source.
Sorry for the late bump, but I finally got around to building the circuit. The timing was definitely off so I inserted a capacitor on the control pin for the 555 and that balanced it out, but I still seem to have some problems with the sequencing of the first light; it should be green -> yellow -> red -> green whereas it goes green -> red -> yellow -> green any input on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
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