741 integrator with dual power supply?

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The input is 1 kHz square, peak amplitude 14 V.

What I want is that the output would be actual AC. I tried adding a -15 V power but the circuit won't work then, saying "timestep too small". Any help is welcome.


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To get AC (no dc voltage) you need (after your output) one voltage follower, one capacitor with a resistor to ground and probably one more voltage follower.
A lousy old 741 opamp does not work when an input is at the same voltage as the negative supply pin #4.
The input voltage must be within the alllowed common-mode voltage range which is at least 3V more positive than pin 4 and at least 3V more negative than pin 7.

The input can be at ground when a negative supply is added for pin 4 since then the input will be within the allowed voltage range.
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