999 counter problems- help please?

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New Member
Hi there, im having problems.
im trying to create a 999 counter and i have a 74LS47 BCD to 7 Seg decoder microchip and a 74HC193 Up/Down Counter.
for some reason, it just doesnt work! nothing happens whatsoever..
Can anyone help me? This is for my electronics GCSE courseowrk, and i am absolutely stuck..
ill be happy to assist anyone with anything if they try helping me!
thank you!
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Have a look at https://www.electro-tech-online.com/custompdfs/2008/12/74HC_HCT193_3.pdf

You will need three 74HC193s, one for each decade. You also need something to reset the count after 9.

To make the 74HC193 count, you need a stable power supply between 2 and 6 volts, MR (master reset) must be low and nPL (not parallel load) has to be high. Then a clock pulse on CPU or CPD will make the output count up or down.

You should connect all unused inputs, including whichever or CPU and CPD that you are not using, to ground or the +ve supply.
hi, thanks for you reply!
can you help me finally furthermore?
on the SNLS47N
where do LT, BI/RBO and RBI go to? +ve?
also, on the 74HC193N, does PL go to positive- is that nPL?
finally, do the inputs on the 74HC193N that are not needed (D0,D1,D2,D3) remain unconnected?
ive tried a lot and jus keep failing, please help!
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