There are several good ideas presented here.
Two of the ideas require cutting the household wiring and soldering to the wires. I don’t see you soldering #12 wire to an 8-soic. (see picture of ACS712)
I use the CTs because I have many, and I don’t have to touch 220VAC. I pull the wire from a breaker or switch, run it through the CT and put the wire back.
While I use real current transformers, I found a box full of ¾ inch toroid coils with many turns of very fine wire. (thank you used electronics store) It looks about like the last picture but with very fine wire. (500 turns)
As to the sensitive of the circuit, it has to do with the turn ration 100:1, the secondary inductance, and the load on the secondary of the CT. I just built one and tested it. What is your load current? I am test if a pump is on or off. If you want to measure 0.1 amps then you need some gain. (op-amp)