Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
#include "NeoCol.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
uint8_t NeoGreen [NeoNum];
uint8_t NeoBlue [NeoNum];
uint8_t NeoRed [NeoNum];
void NeoBit (uint8_t Data, int8_t BitCount)
if ((Data >> BitCount) & 0x01)
NeoPin = 1;
_delay (6);
NeoPin = 0;
NeoPin = 1;
_delay (3);
NeoPin = 0;
void NeoInit (void)
uint8_t NeoPixel;
for (NeoPixel = 0; NeoPixel < NeoNum; NeoPixel++)
if (NeoPixel < 10)
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 64; }
else if ((NeoPixel >= 10) & (NeoPixel < 20))
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 0; }
else if ((NeoPixel >= 20) & (NeoPixel < 30))
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 64; }
else if ((NeoPixel >= 30) & (NeoPixel < 40))
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 0; }
else if ((NeoPixel >= 40) & (NeoPixel < 50))
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 0; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 64; }
else if ((NeoPixel >= 50) & (NeoPixel < NeoNum))
{ NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = 64; NeoRed[NeoPixel] = 0; }
void NeoDraw (void)
uint8_t NeoPixel;
int8_t BitCount;
for (NeoPixel = 0; NeoPixel < NeoNum; NeoPixel++)
for (BitCount = 7; BitCount >= 0; BitCount--)
NeoBit(NeoGreen[NeoPixel], BitCount);
for (BitCount = 7; BitCount >= 0; BitCount--)
NeoBit(NeoRed[NeoPixel], BitCount);
for (BitCount = 7; BitCount >= 0; BitCount--)
NeoBit(NeoBlue[NeoPixel], BitCount);
//output_low (NeoPin);
void NeoRotate (void)
uint8_t NeoPixel;
for (NeoPixel = 0; NeoPixel < NeoNum - 1; NeoPixel++)
NeoGreen[NeoPixel] = NeoGreen[NeoPixel + 1];
NeoBlue[NeoPixel] = NeoBlue[NeoPixel + 1];
NeoRed[NeoPixel] = NeoRed[NeoPixel + 1];
NeoGreen[NeoNum - 1] = NeoGreen[0];
NeoBlue[NeoNum - 1] = NeoBlue[0];
NeoRed[NeoNum - 1] = NeoRed[0];
void main()
OSCCON = 0; // Use clock specified in config: 48MHz
NeoPin = 0; // Set data line to - initially
TRISB = 0; // Set port B to output
NeoInit ();
NeoDraw ();
NeoRotate ();
__delay_ms (25);
/*#include <18F2550.h>
#device ADC = 16
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES WDT128 //Watch Dog Timer uses 1:128 Postscale
#FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
#FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
#FUSES NOXINST //Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
#use delay(clock=48000000,crystal=20000000)
// PIC18F2550 Configuration Bit Settings
// 'C' source line config statements
#pragma config PLLDIV = 5 // PLL Prescaler Selection bits (Divide by 5 (20 MHz oscillator input))
#pragma config CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2// System Clock Postscaler Selection bits ([Primary Oscillator Src: /1][96 MHz PLL Src: /2])
#pragma config USBDIV = 1 // USB Clock Selection bit (used in Full-Speed USB mode only; UCFG:FSEN = 1) (USB clock source comes directly from the primary oscillator block with no postscale)
#pragma config FOSC = HSPLL_HS // Oscillator Selection bits (HS oscillator, PLL enabled (HSPLL))
#pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled)
#pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Oscillator Switchover bit (Oscillator Switchover mode disabled)
#pragma config PWRT = ON // Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT enabled)
#pragma config BOR = OFF // Brown-out Reset Enable bits (Brown-out Reset disabled in hardware and software)
#pragma config BORV = 3 // Brown-out Reset Voltage bits (Minimum setting 2.05V)
#pragma config VREGEN = OFF // USB Voltage Regulator Enable bit (USB voltage regulator disabled)
#pragma config WDT = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT disabled (control is placed on the SWDTEN bit))
#pragma config WDTPS = 128 // Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits (1:128)
#pragma config CCP2MX = OFF // CCP2 MUX bit (CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RB3)
#pragma config PBADEN = OFF // PORTB A/D Enable bit (PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset)
#pragma config LPT1OSC = OFF // Low-Power Timer 1 Oscillator Enable bit (Timer1 configured for higher power operation)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON // MCLR Pin Enable bit (MCLR pin enabled; RE3 input pin disabled)
#pragma config STVREN = OFF // Stack Full/Underflow Reset Enable bit (Stack full/underflow will not cause Reset)
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Single-Supply ICSP Enable bit (Single-Supply ICSP disabled)
#pragma config XINST = OFF // Extended Instruction Set Enable bit (Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode))
#pragma config CP0 = OFF // Code Protection bit (Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) is not code-protected)
#pragma config CP1 = OFF // Code Protection bit (Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) is not code-protected)
#pragma config CP2 = OFF // Code Protection bit (Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) is not code-protected)
#pragma config CP3 = OFF // Code Protection bit (Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) is not code-protected)
#pragma config CPB = OFF // Boot Block Code Protection bit (Boot block (000000-0007FFh) is not code-protected)
#pragma config CPD = OFF // Data EEPROM Code Protection bit (Data EEPROM is not code-protected)
#pragma config WRT0 = OFF // Write Protection bit (Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) is not write-protected)
#pragma config WRT1 = OFF // Write Protection bit (Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) is not write-protected)
#pragma config WRT2 = OFF // Write Protection bit (Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) is not write-protected)
#pragma config WRT3 = OFF // Write Protection bit (Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) is not write-protected)
#pragma config WRTC = OFF // Configuration Register Write Protection bit (Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) are not write-protected)
#pragma config WRTB = OFF // Boot Block Write Protection bit (Boot block (000000-0007FFh) is not write-protected)
#pragma config WRTD = OFF // Data EEPROM Write Protection bit (Data EEPROM is not write-protected)
#pragma config EBTR0 = OFF // Table Read Protection bit (Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR1 = OFF // Table Read Protection bit (Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR2 = OFF // Table Read Protection bit (Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR3 = OFF // Table Read Protection bit (Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTRB = OFF // Boot Block Table Read Protection bit (Boot block (000000-0007FFh) is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
// #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF.
#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 48000000 // Used by XC8 delay ms and us
#define NeoPin LATBbits.LATB0 // The data out pin for the LED
#define NeoNum 60 // Number of LEDs connected
//#define RAND_MAX 64
//#define ALL_OUT 0x00
//#define ALL_IN 0xFF
//#byte PORTA = 0xF80
#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
uint8_t ColorFontGREEN;
uint8_t ColorFontRED;
uint8_t ColorFontBLUE;
uint16_t CNT;
void clearLEDArray(void) {
for (CNT = 0; CNT < 256; ++CNT) {
SSP1BUF = 0;
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
Main application
void main(void)
// initialize the device
// When using interrupts, you need to set the Global and Peripheral Interrupt Enable bits
// Use the following macros to:
// Enable the Global Interrupts
// Enable the Peripheral Interrupts
// Disable the Global Interrupts
// Disable the Peripheral Interrupts
ColorFontRED = 50;
ColorFontGREEN = 50;
ColorFontBLUE = 100;
while (1)
// Add your application code
for (CNT = 0; CNT < 10; ++CNT) {
SSP1BUF = ColorFontGREEN; //Green
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = ColorFontRED; //Red
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = ColorFontBLUE; //Blue
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
End of File
#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
#include "LED_Array.h"
Main application
void main(void) {
//Load buffer with text
loadBuffer((char *) "11111111111111111111 "); //<<< Enter the text you would like to be displayed here.
//Select font color and intensity
ColorFontRED = 5;
ColorFontGREEN = 50;
ColorFontBLUE = 0;
//Select background color and intensity
ColorBackRED = 0;
ColorBackGREEN = 0;
ColorBackBLUE = 0;
while (1) {
Just write a function that writes the LEDs.
Code:void DoIt(uint8_t lit){ uint8_t i; for(i=0;i<10;i++){ if(i=lit) WriteLED(255,255,255) else WriteLED(0,0,0) } }
for(CNT = 1; CNT < 10; ++CNT){
if(CNT == 8)
SSP1BUF = 255; //Green
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = 255; //Red
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = 255; //Blue
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = 0; //Green
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = 0; //Red
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);
SSP1BUF = 0; //Blue
while (!SSP1STATbits.BF);