I want to allocate registers from RAM for my own use using CBLOCK. So far, I’ve started booking from address 0h, but the interrupt is at address 08h. This is not a problem? Can only 7 bytes of registers be reserved?
Vagy 0x20-kor kezdjem?
Like Nigel says, the Pic16F range used to be. and still is, very popular , even though its a few years since I used the Pics, a bit surprised when you say that there is a Lot of the Pic18F24K20 out there ??
That said, in our latter days of Assembly coding the 18F range were our chips of choice.
Now I understand the memory map. I still have so many questions that there are symbolic names next to the titles at the beginning of the file register. What does that mean?
I chose this PIC because there is a lot of it out there.