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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Moving from mikroBasic to OshonSoft Basic

Lcd_Out(1,1, "ReadSum = " + #ADCReadSum) 'Ok
Ok, it compiles fine, after the name of a user-defined function "Function and Proc" there can't be a space between the name and the parentheses.
FunctionName+space+(argument) = error.
You are right, the space between function name and "(" causes the error. Compiles now...
I installed v5.76 and after correcting line 68, compilation did work ok.
Gee, what a stupid little mistake that was with the blank before the bracket!
Thanks everybody for your help.

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