arduino help needed

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New Member
I need help with an arduino project. I need to create the following:

- create an array of six lights on the breakout board - add an additional stepper motor into the circuit. - create serial interface code, so the arduino can retrieve information from the serial monitor. - make the stepper motor increase and decrease speed via serial input, i.e. 1 being slow, 9 being max speed. As the speed increases, the LED's should illuminate according to the speed that has been set i.e. Max speed - all lights illuminated, Min speed - 1 light illuminated and any other speeds are fractional to the lights being shown.

Really appreciate any help on this
Break the problem into pieces and tackle each piece individually, then knit all
the pieces together with additional code.

Regards, Dana.


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Agree with Dana, it always helps to break the code down into manageable (and testable) modules.
Good luck with your project.

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