Note also the flow rate in an engine is probably much greater that the example. Perhaps you can find this information out too and that would help us to more accurately model the system.
I can see coolant flowing past the radiator cap opening but at a very lazy pace when the engine is idling at operating temeperature - thermoststat is fully open. We are discussing a 750 RPM idle speed and about 3.5 gallons of coolant. With the fan running, I can tell when the thermostat closes because the coolant becomes stationary. This is about all the emperical evidence I have, regarding coolant flow rate in this car.
Coolant flow rate is only part of the system, though. The fan only affects the coolant in the radiator. The engine block and cylinder head will re-heat the coolant, before it reaches the sending unit. I believe this will add to the mechanical delay in turning off the fan.
If I find the duty cycle of the fan is based on too short a time i.e. the fan turns on-off-on in much less than a minute with no electronic delay/hysterisis, then I'll have to admit you are right.